Window Cleaning

See Things Clearly.




Upgrade Your Sherpa Drone

The Sherpa Drone, equipped with a cutting-edge window washing payload, stands as the pinnacle solution for window cleaning experts. Ensuring safety from ground level, it guarantees a flawless, streak-free brilliance on every occasion. With a simple push of a button, you can initiate on-demand washing, rinsing, and repetition, streamlining the process like never before.



Get Off Lifts & Ladders.


Say goodbye to the need for climbing lift equipment, hanging from ropes, or dealing with costly anchor systems. Increase your return on investment while also reducing liability.


Labor Shortages

Help Fill Out Your Team.


The window cleaning industry is facing a serious labor shortage. This shortage of workers has left businesses searching for reliable solutions to help get these risky, messy, and time-intensive jobs done efficiently and effectively. 


Protect Windows

A Touchless Solution.


No one enjoys gazing through a grimy window. But, no one wants a window full of scratches either. The Sherpa Drone with window-washing payload uses a soft-wash pressure for effective cleansing, combined with Lucid Clear for a flawless, streak-free radiance.



Why Upgrade To Window Payload

Onboard Chemical Tank

Our onboard chemical tank with a variable mix ratio means your cleaning solution is on the drone, not your water supply. This allows you to separate your cleaning solution from DI water. 


Lucid Clear

Our window wash solution, Lucid Clear, is the perfect solution for sparkling clean windows. Leave windows with a streak free shine without ever touching a single window ever again. 



Prepare to see a rapid return on investment with our window-washing payload. You'll be able to complete more jobs in less time without sacrificing quality or safety. It's a game-changer for commercial window washers or anyone wanting to become one. 


Wash & Rinse On Demand

Everything is right at your finger tips. Rinse. Wash. Rinse. Done.


Sherpa Drone Window  Cleaning Payload FAQ


Now is your chance!

If you're ready to take your operations to the next level, we're ready to take you there. .


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